
Stata command for inequality summary effects of nominal and ordinal independent variables

meinequality (Marginal Effects Inequality) is a companion package to Mize and Han's 2025 Sociological Science article "Inequality and total effect summary measures for nominal and ordinal variables."

meinequality calculates a ME inequality statistic for independent variables in a regression model. The command calculates weighted and/or unweighted ME inequalities.

Download meinequality

To download the meinequality command in Stata:

net install meinequality, from("") replace

Help file

To read the help file (also available here):

help meinequality


Please cite the use of the meinequality command by citing the corresponding article:

Mize, Trenton D. and Bing Han. 2025. "Inequality and total effect summary measures for nominal and ordinal variables." Sociological Science. 12:115-157.

Basic syntax

meinequlaity can be used for a single model or to compare ME inequalities across two models.

For a single model, first fit the model and then call meinequality with a list of independent variables for which ME inequalities should be calculated.

regress ...

meinequality varlist

To compare across two models, first fit each individual model and store the estimates for each using est store. E.g.,

logit     dv iv1 iv2, vce(robust)

est store basemod


logit     dv iv1 iv2 med1 med2, vce(robust)

est store medmod

Note that meinequality in the two model case uses the robust variance estimator. Thus, to match its results we strongly recommend you include vce(robust) as an option on the individual models.

Then, use meinequality listing the independent variables you want ME inequalities calculated for and compared across models. Specify the two stored models( ) to compare.

meinequality varlist, models(basemod medmod)

If the two models are fit on separate samples—such as in the analysis of groups—the group option is required.

meinequality varlist, models(grp1mod grp2mod) group


This section shows how meinequality can be used in a variety of analyses. These examples are replications of those in Mize and Han 2025

Ex 4.1 - Inequality as a summary measure

The first example summarizes the effect of a single nominal indepenent variable in a linear regression model.

use "", clear

keep if year == 2021

drop if missing(wages, race4)

reg wages i.race4 c.age i.woman

meinequality race4

Model (mod1) is:

     regress wages i.race4 c.age i.woman

ME Inequality Estimates (N = 1714)

                         |   Estimate   Std. err.           z       P>|z| 


ME Inequality            |                                               

                   race4 |      4.926       0.864       5.703       0.000 

Racial-ethnic groups' wages differ by about $4.93 per hour, on average.

The default calculation for meinequality is a weighted ME inequality. Unweighted inequalities can be calculated using the unweighted option.

meinequality    race4, unweighted

Model (mod1) is:

     regress wages i.race4 c.age i.woman

ME Inequality Estimates (N = 1714)

                         |   Estimate   Std. err.           z       P>|z| 


Unwgt. ME Inequality     |                                               

                   race4 |      5.788       1.042       5.558       0.000 

Ex 4.2.b - Inequality in categorical models

This example uses a binary logit and calculates ME inequalities for multiple IVs.

use "", clear

keep if year == 2021

drop if missing(conserv, race4, woman, class, age)

logit conserv i.woman i.race4 i.class

meinequality woman race4 class

Model (mod1) is:

     logit conserv i.woman i.race4 i.class

ME Inequality Estimates (N = 3608)

                         |   Estimate   Std. err.           z       P>|z| 


ME Inequality            |                                               

                   woman |      0.070       0.016       4.466       0.000 

                   race4 |      0.108       0.013       7.991       0.000 

                   class |      0.012       0.017       0.701       0.484 

Class has no overall effect on conservative identification. Racial-ethnic groups differ by about 10.8 percentage points on average, while men and women differ by 7.0 percentage points.

Ex 4.3.b - Comparing ME inequalities across models as in tests of mediation/attenuation

This example compares ME inequalities across two models fit on the same sample, such as in tests of mediation/attenuation.

use "", clear

drop if missing(nagiSS, race, college, hatota, hitot)

Each model should first be fit and the estimates stored. 

nbreg nagiSS i.race

est store basemod

nbreg nagiSS i.race c.hatota c.hitot

est store medmod

With two models, specify the name of the stored models in the models( ) option of meinequality.

meinequality race, models(basemod medmod)

Model 1 (basemod) is:

     nbreg nagiSS i.race, vce(robust)

Model 2 (medmod) is:

     nbreg nagiSS i.race c.hatota c.hitot, vce(robust)

ME Inequality Estimates (N_basemod = 18879 , N_medmod = 18879)

                         |   Estimate   Std. err.           z       P>|z| 


race ME Ineq.            |                                               

       Model 1 (basemod) |      0.383       0.050       7.700       0.000 

        Model 2 (medmod) |      0.217       0.048       4.501       0.000 

       Cross-Model Diff. |      0.166       0.035       4.785       0.000 

The ME inequality estimate is 0.166 smaller in the model that includes the mediator than in the base model.

Ex 4.3.a - Comparing ME inequalities across models fit on different samples

This example compares ME inequalities in separate models fit on different samples. 

use "", clear

drop if missing(spkhomo, reltrad, age, woman)

Each model should first be fit and the estimates stored. 

logit spkhomo i.reltrad c.age i.woman if year < 1980, vce(robust)

est store premod

logit spkhomo i.reltrad c.age i.woman if year >= 2010, vce(robust)

est store postmod

With two models, specify the name of the stored models in the models( ) option of meinequality.

When different samples are used for each model—such as when different groups or time periods are compared—the group option must be specified.

meinequality reltrad, models(premod postmod) group unweighted

Model 1 (premod) is:

     logit spkhomo i.reltrad c.age i.woman if year < 1980, vce(robust)

Model 2 (postmod) is:

     logit spkhomo i.reltrad c.age i.woman if year >= 2010, vce(robust)

ME Inequality Estimates (N_premod = 5593 , N_postmod = 8226)

                         |   Estimate   Std. err.           z       P>|z| 


reltrad Unwgt ME Ineq.   |                                               

        Model 1 (premod) |      0.156       0.011      14.329       0.000 

       Model 2 (postmod) |      0.072       0.007      10.913       0.000 

       Cross-Model Diff. |      0.083       0.013       6.561       0.000 

The ME inequality estimate is significantly larger in the first model (pre-1980) than in the second model (post-2010).