
Stata package for comparing predictions and effects across models

mecompare (Marginal Effects Compar(e)ison) is a companion package to Mize, Doan, and Long's 2019 Sociological Methodology article "A General Framework for Comparing Predictions and Marginal Effects Across Models."

mecompare downloads the example datasets and Stata do-files needed to recreate all of the examples in the article. The Stata do-files are intended as templates for the applied analyst who wishes to use the methods in their own work.

A Stata command to automate these comparisons is in the works and will be posted on this webpage when available. 

See graphs and GIFs illustrating cross-model covariances of effects.

Download mecompare

To download the mecompare example do-files and datasets, execute both of the following commands in Stata*:

net install mecompare, from("")

net get mecompare, from("")

Help file

To read the help file (also available here), which lists all of the files that are downloaded:

help mecompare

*NOTE: The example datasets and do-files are downloaded into your working directory. To see where this is, type pwd in Stata.


Please cite the use of these template files by citing the corresponding article:

Mize, Trenton D., Long Doan, and J. Scott Long. 2019. "A General Framework for Comparing Predictions and Marginal Effects Across Models." Sociological Methodology  49(1): 152-189.