
Stata command for descriptive statistics tables

desctable creates formatted descriptive statistics tables using Stata. The table is automatically exported to Excel, where it can be easily copied and pasted to Word without losing the formatting.

desctable treats continuous, binary, and nominal variables differently — providing formatting, labeling, and statistics that are most appropriate for the measurement level of each variable.

Read the desctable help file here.


To install desctable:

net install desctable, from("")

Help file

To read the help file (also available here):

help desctable


sysuse nlsw88

desctable wage age i.race i.union i.collgrad tenure i.occupation hours, ///


desctable wage age i.race i.union i.collgrad tenure i.occupation hours, ///

filename("descriptivesEX2") stats(mean freq sd min max iqr median)

desctable wage age i.union i.collgrad tenure i.occupation hours, ///

filename("descriptivesEX5") group(race)