
The mecompare_exs package provides example data and Stata do-files to replicate all of the examples in Mize, Doan, and Long's 2019 article "A General Framework for Comparing Predictions and Marginal Effects Across Models." These are template files and are heavily annotated. 

For a Stata package that automates these tests, see mecompare.

Download mecompare_exs online

You can download the example files here:

Download mecompare_exs in Stata

You can alternatively download the example files directly within in Stata.

To download the mecompare_exs example do-files and datasets, execute both of the following commands in Stata*:

net install mecompare_exs, from("")

net get mecompare_exs, from("")

*NOTE: The example datasets and do-files are downloaded into your working directory. To see where this is, type pwd in Stata.


Please cite the use of these template files by citing the corresponding article:

Mize, Trenton D., Long Doan, and J. Scott Long. 2019. "A General Framework for Comparing Predictions and Marginal Effects Across Models." Sociological Methodology  49(1): 152-189.