Mize Forthcoming
Social Psychology Quarterly
Mize, Trenton D. Forthcoming. “Competence perceptions at the intersection of gender and race-ethnicity.” Social Psychology Quarterly.
Competence perceptions represent a fundamental dimension of human perception and have wide-ranging consequences for social interaction. Therefore, it is no surprise that multiple prominent social psychological theories emphasize the role of competence perceptions. We know that both a person’s gender and their race-ethnicity influence assumptions about their competence, but we have only a few studies examining the intersections of these factors. Using a large survey experiment (N = 1,219), I examine competence perceptions at the intersection of 2 gender and 13 racial-ethnic categories. Results show large effects of both gender and race-ethnicity and also highly intersectional stereotypes, i.e., there is no one overarching effect of gender or race-ethnicity but instead contingent effects. By oversampling racial-ethnic minorities, I also test the assumption of consensus for competence perceptions. Results show highly consensual perceptions, suggesting we all recognize society’s stereotypes even if we don’t agree with them.