Doan, Mize, and Or 

Handbook of Social Psychology

Long Doan, Trenton D. Mize, and Ronald Or. Forthcoming. “Queer eye for the social psy: on the interplay between social psychology and sexualities.” In Handbook of Social Psychology. Springer.


Sociological social psychology and the study of human sexuality have largely developed as distinct fields of study. Yet, they share considerable overlap in topics of inquiry, such as identity and status processes; stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination; and stress processes at the micro, meso, and macro levels, respectively. This chapter reviews relevant research in both domains, highlighting work that centers on social psychological explanations for sexuality-based inequalities. We end by noting findings and trends that could benefit from a social psychological perspective. In addition to highlighting existing research connecting the two fields, we point to areas of inquiry that have been underexplored and to potentially fruitful areas of inquiry for further exploration.