*Want to look at each figure above individually? Want to download any of the figures? All figures available in this folder
I am the dean's associate professor of the college of liberal arts in the departments of Sociology and Statistics (by courtesy) at Purdue University. I am also a founder and co-director of the The Methodology Center at Purdue and a founder and co-director of the Kernan Experimental Social Science Lab. I am a quantitative methodologist focusing on categorical data analysis, data visualization, latent variable modeling, and experimental design. In addition, my substantive work focuses on social psychological understandings of how social categories impact how we view ourselves and how others view and treat us, and on the social factors that impact health and well-being. I teach courses and short workshops on applied statistics, quantitative methods, and social psychology.
I am firmly committed to open science and reproducibility. Thus, I freely share the data, code, and replication files for all of my research projects as well as for all courses, seminars, and workshops I teach.
The various pages on this site contain:
- Description of my background and research
- My CV
- Copies of my published articles along with abstracts, replication files, online appendices, etc.
Categorical Data Analysis (Graduate Course)
Categorical Data Analysis (Statistical Horizons Seminar)
Data Visualization Using Stata (Code Horizons Seminar)
Experimental Design (Graduate Course)
Latent Variable Modeling (Graduate Course)
Missing Data Using Stata (Statistical Horizons Seminar) coming soon
Stata Programming (Code Horizons Seminar) coming soon
Workshop on Data Visualization & Model Presentation Using Stata or R
- Social psychology course materials
- Stata commands, packages, and graphics schemes I have written along with some misc. example do-files
irt_coef: y*-standardized coefficient estimates for item response theory models
irt_me: Marginal effects estimates for item response theory models
lca_entropy: Entropy fit statistic calculation for latent class analysis models
mecompare: Example do-files and datasets for cross-model comparisons of marginal effects
nomineq: Inequality summary measures for the effect of nominal independent variables
sgmediation2: Calculates Sobel-Goodman tests of statistical mediation in linear regression
- Links & resources for departments and programs I'm affiliated with
- Some guidelines for how to effectively ask for my help with Stata/R troubles