Data Visualization Workshop

Data Visualization with Stata (Center for Aging and Policy Studies)


Friday March 31

Workshop Materials


Understanding data and effectively presenting model results are challenges that data analysts face almost every day. There is seldom a more effective solution than a well thought out visualization. Problems in the data are easily identified; complex effects are quickly summarized; effect sizes and variability are immediately clear. In this workshop, we will cover best practices for accurately representing data as well as many specific approaches to data exploration, model diagnostics, and model presentation. In addition to covering the aesthetics of attractive visualizations, we will also discuss the science of what makes certain visuals effective and in which situations they work best. Template Stata code will be provided to all participants to aid in recreating the types of visualizations we cover in your own work.

Data Visualization (AMAP Purdue 2022)


Friday Sep 23 from 1:00 - 5:00pm

Workshop Materials


Understanding data and effectively presenting model results are challenges that data analysts face almost every day. There is seldom a more effective solution than a well thought out visualization. Problems in the data are easily identified; complex effects are quickly summarized; effect sizes and variability are immediately clear. In this workshop, we will cover best practices for accurately representing data as well as many specific approaches to data exploration, model diagnostics, and model presentation. In addition to covering the aesthetics of attractive visualizations, we will also discuss the science of what makes certain visuals effective and in which situations they work best. Template Stata and R code will be provided to all participants to aid in recreating the types of visualizations we cover in your own work.

Data Visualization & Model Presentation in Stata (PAA 2022)


Wednesday April 6 from 1:00 - 5:00pm

Workshop Materials


Understanding data and effectively presenting results are challenges that applied quantitative researchers face most every day. There is seldom a more effective solution than a well thought out visualization. Problems in the data are easily identified; complex effects are quickly summarized; effect sizes and variability are immediately clear. In this workshop, we will cover best practices for accurately representing data as well as many specific approaches to data exploration, model diagnostics, and model presentation. The focus is on the applied analyst’s “bread and butter” types of visualizations: those I suspect will be useful in most every quantitative research project. Topics covered will range from exploratory data analysis techniques to methods for presenting complex model results. Template Stata code will be provided to workshop participants allowing participants to reproduce all workshop examples.

Data and Model Visualization in Stata & R (Purdue 2018)

Description: Understanding data and effectively presenting results are challenges that applied quantitative researchers face most every day. There is seldom a more effective solution than a well thought out visualization. Problems in the data are easily identified; complex effects are quickly summarized; effect sizes and variability are immediately clear. This workshop serves as both an introduction and a deep dive into the science, practice, and art of effective data visualization.

Anyone who works with quantitative data and is familiar with Stata or R can benefit from the workshop. The data and model visualization capabilities of Stata and R are impressive yet vastly underutilized. This workshop will teach attendees about best data visualization practices generally—and specific ways to implement these using Stata and R.

In this workshop, you will learn: